
Submitting your build

Before submitting your plot, please check everything and if everything is ready to be reviewed. You can submit the plot to our reviewers by using your companion's plot profile or quickly type out /plot submit to submit it.


The plot will be submitted and our reviewers will take a look at it within 24 hours and give feedback abd a score for your build.

My build is rejected ❔❔❔
Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes. Go back to your plot and you'll see improvement messages from the reviewers to help you fix your building. Submit your plot again with your improvements and you'll may get suddenly get approved by our member!

Accepted plots will be pasted on the Master world and will be pasted in the buildsite you built on. :::

That's it. You successfully built your first building in theBuildTheEarth project in name of ASEAN BTE Team!!!