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Creating your plot

After you joined our plot server, you'll have a netherstar (Companion) in your inventory.

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Companion panel

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Switch to your companion in your inventory then Right Click or /companion to open your Plot system server panel. The server panel is basically your plot system hub and your builder profile, it is included with many things such as..

  • The main inventory grid displays the available build sites that you can build in
  • Down in the bottom right of the grid is your builder profile and builder utility, you can see your builder points and your on-going plots here
  • At the top right corner is the plot's difficulty filter, you can select the building difficulty that you would like.
Easy 1 - 2 Small houses with simple details.
Medium Detailed row houses or medium sized city block buildings.
Hard Big city block to big skyscraper

Choosing your plot


Due to the fact this system is new, you can only choose the following build sites Malaysia, Klang and Philippine, Davao City for now, more build sites are coming soon!

Remember to choose your difficulty first

The system sets the default difficulty as automatic, you could accidentally have to build a hard plot if you forgot to set the difficulty.

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Create your plot!

After you decide the buildsite and difficulty, simply press the buildsite icon and the system will auto generate you a plot to build in.

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