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Making Outlines

As you can see in the previous page that the exam plot is auto generated by Build the earth terrain data which is data from OpenStreetMap.

Unfortunately, terrain data is not accurate to real life so I'll highly suggest you to use Google Earth Pro.

We will be using WorldEdit with Build the earth custom commands to create the building and roads outlines.


Before you follow this page, please make sure you already cleared the terrain with world edit. If you haven't, go back to this page and do it first.


Tpll is a Build the earth command to teleport yourself to a specific real-world geographic coordinates in minecraft. We can use this command to accurately mark out building's coordinate by satellite image.
In this example we will use google map to mark it out

Marking points with tpll

  1. Go your plot in (/plot link to get your plot location).
  2. Find noticeable pivot points (corners) of your building/scenery that you want to mark.
  3. Hover your cursor there and Right-Click, a popup window will pop up with geographic coordinate. Click it and the coordinate should be copied to your clipboard.
  4. Go back to minecraft and type in command /tpll followed by the text that you have copied.
    ( Ctrl + V or Command + V to paste the clipboard in minecraft chat)
  5. Press Enter and you will be teleported to the point you copied.
  6. Don't move around yet, place a block right where you are standing to mark out the tpll-ed point.
  7. Repeat this as many times as you want and you will learn how to connect it together in the next section.
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Conecting Markers

We will be using World Edit commands to connect the marker up.

But first you need to know about block ids.

Block ID

  • Block ID is a code-number for blocks, the block name can be used in the command's
  • By default you cannot see block ids, press F3 + H to enable it.
  • Now, when you hover your cursor over any block in inventory you should see number formatted name behind the actual name of item

Using Block ID

  • For example when you read the number formatted id, you see (#0035/4)
  • In World Edit command, we will use 35:4 as the block id

In our plot server, we support snake-case id. The id can be see in form of minecraft:block_name , can usyoue block_name or block id.

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//line Block ID

//line is a world edit command to create a straight line out of 2 positions

  • Select first position with your wand. ( Left-Click )
  • Select second position ( Right-Click )
  • type the command //line followed by Block ID you wanted to make a line with.
  • A straight line will then be inserted from first position to second position you selected.
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We prefer the gray concrete powder block for roads in ASEAN Team. To select your selection for the roads, we will use the //sel poly command.

Setting roads with //sel poly

This command will change your wand selection mode to polygon,
you can now select first position with Left-Click then Right-Click position 2, 3, 4, ... to create polygon selection.

  • //sel poly to enter polygon selection mode.
  • Select the first position of your road with Left-Click.
  • Right-Click Next position and repeat until you circled the whole road.
  • Try using command like //set 252:7, it will set the selected polygon to block ID of 252:7 which is gray concrete powder block.

You can use command like //replace grass 252:7which will replace all grass block in selected polygon to gray concrete powder.

  • Type the command //sel cuboid to switch back to default cuboid selection mode.
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